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Last Updated: 10/22/2006 1:56:38 PM
Original Creation Date: 1/19/04 7:09 PM
**All times are EST**
Listed below are the old news threads. They are posted everytime the site is updated.

Thursday, December 01, 2005 1:34:57 AM

New Articles Coming soon...

Saturday, May 28, 2005 6:39:01 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:55:13 PM

New articles are posted: Pages listed below were updated:

Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:50:08 PM

Did a little housekeeping within the site. New articles are posted below:

Monday, March 21, 2005 4:55:41 AM

Some things were updated and added to the downloads page. There are also some new articles:

Also, some info on the torrent page and updated the about me page. The 108Mbit wi-fi article has a short video. The forums are still a little empty, so please sign up! Here are some articles for google to index, because they are problems I have noticed have no good results, and need some attention. They are very specific, and probably won't mean much if you are just browsing the site. Monday, February 28, 2005 4:30:22 AM

There is a new HOWTO on Smoothwall Linux Routing. It is a fairly detailed article that covers the features, installation and configuration. In other news, there is now a forum. Please sign up! It cannot be a success if nobody uses. The more people who sign up the better. There are some great promotional gifts offered. The grand prize is a 200 GB SATA Maxtor hard drive. Second and Third place receive 256 MB thumb drives. You can view the details here. Thanks to Cynthia Houlroyd for last months donation!

Sunday, February 20, 2005 1:39:29 PM

I completed the site move today. A little ahead of schedule, but definitely a good move. If anything seems out of wack, so I can fix it! Since I have a TON of new resources, I will be added new stuff to this site as the month goes on. I have completed the transfer of the webmail rollout. If you are using skullbox webmail, you should have no problems. New articles coming soon, as possibly a forum. I am also building a new site. "More news as it developes." Since I monitor the search entries of this site, I have posted a fun little bit on synapse.

Monday, February 14, 2005 6:57:57 AM

I kept my promise so far and updated the picture and fact of the week. There is a new article coming on Smoothwall Linux routing. It is waiting to be edited. Thanks to everyone who supports this site, I have acquired a new webhost. It's a semi-dedicated server from vizaweb. I have a lot more disk space and bandwidth now. That means more content, features, and cool stuff! The move to the new server won't be complete until around the 1st of March. Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:40:26 AM

There is 1 "new" article up, and 2 revised articles. The new article is a fairly in-depth guide to SCSI drives. The updated articles have new pictures and are also more inclusive. I pledge to keep up with picture and fun facts of the week from now on! Sorry...
  • Types of SCSI - This article is describes the use, purpose, and configuration of a SCSI drives.
The following articles have been re-done/revised:
Monday, January 10, 2005 12:02:03 AM

Okay, so I had some technical difficulties with my equipment and haven't had time to update the site recently, sue me. I am now in my last semester of college and can't wait to be finished! I will be very busy the next 5 months with independent research and course work. I have put together some great content for the patient people. If you are on the mailing list, you know this already... Some of the articles have been re-done and there is also new content on the following: The follwing articles have been re-done/revised: I have also re-arranged the navigation to reflect the different articles and how-to sections. NOTE TO ALL WEBMAIL USERS: IF YOUR ACCOUNT HAS 0% USAGE, IT WILL BE DELETED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY. In other news, I know it has been more like the "picture of the month" lately, but I will do my best to keep up with minimal site updates.

Thursday, September 02, 2004 5:34:37 PM

No new articles yet... I have 6 Gmail invities, the first 6 people to email skullbox@gmail.com

Monday, August 23, 2004 2:57:47 AM

No updates were performed this month for various reasons. A new promotion is coming next week. Anyways, there are finally some updates! There are more topics in the main navigation table to your left. The Linux section contains all the new updates. The Linux articles are all aimed towards beginners because I didn't want to post advanced stuff until the basics are covered. Less emails for me to read... Among the updates: Intro to Linux, building your own Linux server, the Linux shell, using bash, and understanding runlevels.

Monday, August 02, 2004 1:40:21 AM

No updates this week. A few articles on Linux are coming soon! The picture of the week is pretty self-explanatory for anyone who has used real player.

Monday, July 19, 2004 1:19:41 PM

The MEGA UPDATE is here! New articles about the Cisco IOS, breaking Cisco encrypted passwords, intrusion detection systems, and a some software reviews. The software reviews include: Picasa - a new photo management utility, a few ad/spyware removal tools. Ad-aware, Spybot SD, and Spy Sweeper reviews are located in the software articles section. Various "housekeeping" was done throughout the site. There is now a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. The meta tags were updated, so searches should yield more results. If you are a new visitor, take some time to look around. This site has over 80 pages so something will catch your eye. Thank you to everyone who did the survey! I'll post the results sometime next week. Last, there is a note from the author regarding the status of this site.

This site will also start promotional give-aways each month. Starting today, the first 10 people to email accounts@skullbox.net will receive a free email account of their choice @skullbox.net with 25 MB of storage.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:39:24 AM

No updates this week. Please fill out the Skullbox.Net Survey. It consists of 11 non-opinionated questions. The whole thing should take you less than 3 minutes. Pictures of the week have been archived. Stay tuned for next weeks updates!

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:28:28 PM

An updated review of the GFI LANguard N.S.S. is now up. Also, from "Chappelle's Show" on Comedy Central, download a video clip of SPAM Busters. You must have the DivX codec to view it. Updates to this site have been delayed. However, I encourage everyone to sign up for the mailing list. You will not receive any SPAM, just a email once everytime this site is updated.

Monday, June 14, 2004 6:25:44 AM

New info on Fiber Optics. Also, a new page was created to cite sources of article information. All future articles will include the properly formatted MLA style information source. If you are on the mailing list, you should have received an email alerting you of this update. The picture of week archives and links page has also been updated. The new picture of the week is a dual AMD Operton CPU alienware machine. Problems, questions, or comments can be sent to the .

Monday, June 07, 2004 12:43:14 AM

New info on Route Servers. The article discusses what they are, why they are used, and how to use them. There is now an option under the "updates" section to join the mailing list. If you join the mailing list, you will be notified when this site is updated. There is also a new feature under the "server" section that allows you to view more info about this server. Pictures of the week have also be archived.

Page 2

Juniper SRX anti-spam filtering config
Windows Server 2008 Clustering Configuration
Windows 2008 R2 Network Load Balancing (NLB)
Extreme Networks: Downloading new software image
Juniper SRX save config to USB drive
Juniper SRX logout sessions
Extreme Networks Syslog Configuration
Command line drive mapping
Neoscale vs. Decru
Data Security vs. Data Protection
Juniper SRX Cluster Configuration
HOWTO - Create VLAN on Extreme Switch
Using a Non-local Colocation Facility
Linux Server Administration
IT Chop Shops
Flow Viewers: SFLOW, NetFLOW, and JFLOW
Exchange 2007 Back Pressure
IPtables open port for specific IP
Politics in IT Departments
HOWTO - Block Dropbox
Cisco IOS Cheat Sheet
Subnet Cheat Sheet
Design a DMZ Network
How DNS works
Firewall Configuration
Juniper SSG Firewalls
Server Management
Configuring VLANs
Runlevels in Linux
Server Clustering
SONET Networks
The Red Hat Network
Server Colocation
Complicated Linux Servers
Dark Fiber
Data Center Network Design
Firewall Types
Colocation Bandwidth

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