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Last Updated: 11/7/04 6:52 AM
Original Creation Date: 9/30/04 9:00 AM
**All times are EST**

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Posted below is a list of frequently asked quesions:

General Computing:
Do I really need a password, if I am the only person using my computer?

What is the difference between a switch and a hub?
What is the difference between my company website and company intranet site?
If someone sniffs for data over a network, can they see my bank records?
How do I know if the I.T. field is for me?

Which content management system (CMS) does this site use?
Why does this site use image watermarks?

Q:  Do I really need a password, if I am the only person using my computer?

A:  Yes, there are several reasons why a password should be used. Simply because today it is more common for computers to be attached to networks. If your computer is on a wireless connection or campus dorm, it is very important to use a firewall and secure password. Using a firewall will keep scanners from searching your default windows shares. Using a strong password prevents hackers from cracking your password with a dictionary, hybrid, or brute force program.

Q:  What is the difference between a switch and a hub?

A:  Check out this article.

Q:  What is the difference between my company website and company intranet site?

A:  Simply, an intranet is a website only viewable from inside your corporate LAN. Intranet sites are generally easy to setup. They can be setup to allow clients from VPN connections. Intranets are cheap and easy, and are a great way to share news a data with employees on a consistent basis.

Q:  If someone sniffs for data over a network, can they see my bank records?

A:  No, although many passwords can be intercepted (usually Outlook, telnet, AIM passwords) using a network sniffing utility online banking uses a secure channel (port 443) to transit and receive data. This type of data is usually stolen using keyloggers to record everyone character typed by the infected user.

Q:  How do I know if the I.T. field is for me?

A:  While the I.T. field seems like a fun job to some, it's more work than you'd think. For more information read this article.

Q:  Which content management system (CMS) does this site use?

A:  I refuse to use any type of CMS for several reasons:
  1. Lack of Customization - I like having complete control over the code. Most CMS's allow limited modification of code.
  2. Bad URL Generation - I like having all the pages in the top level of the site. This way URL's are easy to remember.
  3. Poor Search Engine Support - Long URLs generated by CMSs often create problems for search engines trying to crawl pages.
  4. Originality - Why not put some work into your site instead of using someone else's code?

Q:  Why does this site use image watermarks?

A:  This site uses watermarked images to reduce the traffic spawned from image leechers, forum links, and copycats. I don't mind if you link to any images on this site as long as you specifically cite skullbox.net as the orginal source. Excessive image leeching also alters the statistical webtracking software used to analyze site traffic.

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Windows Server 2008 Clustering Configuration
Windows 2008 R2 Network Load Balancing (NLB)
Extreme Networks: Downloading new software image
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Juniper SRX logout sessions
Extreme Networks Syslog Configuration
Command line drive mapping
Neoscale vs. Decru
Data Security vs. Data Protection
Juniper SRX Cluster Configuration
HOWTO - Create VLAN on Extreme Switch
Using a Non-local Colocation Facility
Linux Server Administration
IT Chop Shops
Flow Viewers: SFLOW, NetFLOW, and JFLOW
Exchange 2007 Back Pressure
IPtables open port for specific IP
Politics in IT Departments
HOWTO - Block Dropbox
Cisco IOS Cheat Sheet
Subnet Cheat Sheet
Design a DMZ Network
How DNS works
Firewall Configuration
Juniper SSG Firewalls
Server Management
Configuring VLANs
Runlevels in Linux
Server Clustering
SONET Networks
The Red Hat Network
Server Colocation
Complicated Linux Servers
Dark Fiber
Data Center Network Design
Firewall Types
Colocation Bandwidth

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