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Last Updated: 8/23/2012 11:09:18 PM
**All times are EST**

Neoscale vs. Decru Encryption Vendors

By Erik Rodriguez

Tags: Neoscale vs. Decru, Decru datafort, cryptostore, deep encryption hardware, SAN encryption hardware

This article provides information on two vendors that were in a race to create "deep encryption" data storage technology.

What is deep encryption?

If you do enough consulting with large companies eventually you will find a deep encryption appliance. These devices were designed attach to a network and/or SAN as a utility device for encryption. Most of the need for such a device came from DoD/government regulations for secure data storage. Most of these devices (if not all) have been removed from production. Continue reading to find out why.

Neoscale vs. Decru

Both companies were in a race to develop the technology and then be acquired by another company. Both Neoscale and Decru were start ups with little operating capital and neither had the resources to bring their products directly to customers. In the end, Decru was bought by Netapp while Neoscale was bought by nCipher.

Shortly after the acquisitions, neither product line was further sold or supported. Netapp wanted to use some of the technology to add features to their current products. The same idea was used by nCipher, but neither of the companies were able to reap the benefits of their investments. Netapp flat out refuses to support any Decru hardware currently in operation and does not offer the device for sale.

Why did these products flop?

The answer is simple, they were literally data destruction devices. Both appliances had reputations for disaster. I personally heard stories of these devices destroying data because the decryption features failed and by design, there was no way to return the data to a usable state. Both Neoscale and Decrue offered these appliances for 5-figures! As I said earlier, mostly aimed at DoD and government with deep pockets.

Bottom line, if you ever run into one of these things or are asked to work with one, RUN THE OTHER WAY!

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