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I have been making A LOT of changes to this site. There are some new features coming and a ton of new articles. I am changing some main "working" parts of this site. In addition to new content, I have been going through old articles and updating the content and links.

Check out the HOWTO - Linux VNCserver.
Check out the Overview of the Juniper SSG Series Firewalls.

5/9/2008 8:51 PM

Well, what can I say, a whole year has gone by since I've updated this site. However, I have some agressive plans to get this site going again. I ordered some new equipment and I've got a lot of ideas. Someday there my be a link to videos... HINT HINT I'll also be changing the format of this front page and some other pages on the site. I'm still answering questions by e-mail.

5/9/2007 12:00:00 AM

The site turns 5 years old today. Has it really been that long? <-- "That's what she said..." I've been busy with work and living in the data center lately. I haven't had much time to play with RHEL5 yet, and I've had even less time to work on this site. However, I would like to thank all of you for visiting, and everyone that sends me questions and/or feedback. The site wouldn't be what it is today without all the readers! Some day I'll get around to finishing the 9 articles I have nearly 90% completed. Here is what they are:
  • DSL vs. T1
  • What is Active Directory
  • Out of Band Management
  • A group (5 articles) of small Linux tutorials
  • Data Centers (updated)

I actually did put together a little something for today:

It takes Microsoft two weeks to exceed Apple’s quarterly net income of $770 million
Source: TechIQ Magazine

Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:04:20 PM

I've updated a few miscellanous things throughout the site. Nothing major. I've been running around a lot lately. I've posted a nifty little recap of the IT market after a recent Comptia event in Orlando, FL. A good read!....I almost forgot, the proxy is back!

Saturday, October 21, 2006 8:03:18 PM

How about we start with some bad news?: The mailing list broke, so if you added your address in the 3 months (yea, sorry) you'll have to add it again. I moved the mail over to an exchange server, so we aren't giving out accounts anymore.

Some good news: I changed out that lame atomz search feature for a google one ;) I've also added a formail box at the bottom of most articles. It's an easy way to send a message without having to start a new one in your mail program. What can I say, we're all lazy these days... There are some new articles, and more coming!

Thursday, August 03, 2006 4:42:02 AM

I've updated a few miscellanous things throughout the site. Nothing major. I've been running around a lot lately. I've posted a nifty little recap of the IT market after a recent Comptia event in Orlando, FL. A good read!....I almost forgot, the proxy is back!

Erik's Comptia Breakaway IT Recap
CGI Proxy Service

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 11:55:59 PM

Today, Skullbox.Net turns 4! This site has come a long way in the last 4 years. Thanks to everyone who has supported this site! You all have inspired me to keep this site going. Since I opened Orlando Tech Works, I have more work than I know what to do with. I am determined to finish the articles I started almost 2 months ago. I am also considering changing the layout of this page a little. I hate the site search feature, so I'll be switching that over to an internal google search soon. Stay tooned, I will be posting a link to a few movies. Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, April 16, 2006 3:37:58 PM

Happy Easter! I am trying to finish a rather lengthy guide on installing Exchange Server 2003. I am also working on a DNS guide, and a group of small Linux tutorials. I've been swamped as usual. I have finished my website and legal paperwork for my consulting company located in Orlando, Florida. Check out Orlando Tech Works, LLC. In other news, I'm pissed that the current owner of skullbox.com (who has done nothing with the site since 2000) renewed the domain until 2008! I've tried to get him to sell it to me a few times, but he keeps telling me he has some software company BLAH BLAH BLAH. Okay, I'll keep my BOO-HOOing to myself. Traffic has been up lately, not sure why. Thanks for visiting everyone!

Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:34:44 PM

Various housekeeping was done throughout the site. I have compiled a complete list of active aritcles on this site. There are also new articles posted:

Monday, December 19, 2005 1:36:53 AM

  • Was the webmaster tracked down and thrown in jail?
  • Did he leave the I.T. world and not tell anyone?
  • Maybe he just got fed up of dealing with Linux dependency failures and blue screens?
If you guessed any of the above you would be wrong! If you are a member of the mailing list, you already know this, but I have been VERY busy doing many different things. I am currently working on "officially" starting up my own I.T. consulting company. I am still a full time system administrator, so between those two things, I've had my hands full and haven't had much time to feed my website viewers. Sorry everyone :( The good news: There are TONS of new articles on deck, and a few other tricks up my sleeve. More as details as they unfold... New articles are posted: There is also a note a note from the webmaster.

News Archives

Juniper SRX anti-spam filtering config
Windows Server 2008 Clustering Configuration
Windows 2008 R2 Network Load Balancing (NLB)
Extreme Networks: Downloading new software image
Juniper SRX save config to USB drive
Juniper SRX logout sessions
Extreme Networks Syslog Configuration
Command line drive mapping
Neoscale vs. Decru
Data Security vs. Data Protection
Juniper SRX Cluster Configuration
HOWTO - Create VLAN on Extreme Switch
Using a Non-local Colocation Facility
Linux Server Administration
IT Chop Shops
Flow Viewers: SFLOW, NetFLOW, and JFLOW
Exchange 2007 Back Pressure
IPtables open port for specific IP
Politics in IT Departments
HOWTO - Block Dropbox
Cisco IOS Cheat Sheet
Subnet Cheat Sheet
Design a DMZ Network
How DNS works
Firewall Configuration
Juniper SSG Firewalls
Server Management
Configuring VLANs
Runlevels in Linux
Server Clustering
SONET Networks
The Red Hat Network
Server Colocation
Complicated Linux Servers
Dark Fiber
Data Center Network Design
Firewall Types
Colocation Bandwidth

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A division of Orlando Tech Works, LLC
By using this site you agree to its Terms and Conditions.
Contact Erik Rodriguez