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Audience: Self Learners
Last Updated: 4/29/2014 11:49:45 PM
**All times are EST**

HOWTO - Mapping a network drive via command line with credentials

By Erik Rodriguez

Tags: Windows XP drive mapping, command prompt drive mapping, drive mapping with different credentials

This article provides information on how to specify alternate creditials for mapping a drive between two computers.


You will need the IP address or hostname along with the username/password of an account on the remote machine. You must also make sure you have the RPC service running and file/print sharing on the computer you wish to map a drive from. Also make sure the folder you wish to map is shared and the permissions are correct on the remote machine.

net use S: \\\xml /user:SERVER12\stateside

NOTE: commands in green are variables specific to your situation. Commands in black are static commands along with the correct syntax and should not change. See below:

net use S: -- Net use is the actual command for drive mapping where S: is the drive letter you wish to use.

\\ -- The IP address of the remote machine. You may also use the hostname but will need both backslashes.

\xml -- the directory which is shared from the remote machine.

/user: -- This flag will specify a specific user on the remote machine. If you don not specify a user, it will try to map the drive using the currently logged on credentials. Make sure you have the forward slash in front of user.

SERVER12\ -- Hostname of the machine. You may also specify a Microsoft Windows domain. The trailing backslash is part of the command and NOT the hostname. You will always need it at the end.

stateside -- The username you wish to use. This must be present on the remote machine.

You will be prompted for the password upon entering the whole command. Make sure you use this correct syntax as you will get an error if you are missing any slashes or the spaces in the command are incorrect. When the syntax and username/password combination are correct you will be able to map the drive successfully.

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