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Last Updated: 6/12/04 4:29 PM
Original Creation Date: 5/21/02 12:52 AM
**All times are EST**

DivX File Format

By Erik Rodriguez

This article provides basic information on the DivX Codec.

DivX is and enhanced video codec originally created by Microsoft. It is based on the MPEG 4. By combining MPEG 4 and MP3 sound, these video formats are digital quality. The best part about this codec is that it offers a 10:1 compression ration. This means that if you have a 10 MB video file, DivX changes the file size to 1 MB. DivX got its name from a product released by circuit city that allowed people to buy DVD movies for a cheaper price and view them for a certain time period, after that period expired, the disc would no longer play. Microsoft originally developed the codec with an .AVI lock. This was supposed to block people from ripping movies to AVI for web distribution.

To Playback DivX Movies you will probably need at least the following:
  • A Divx Player (you can get one here)
  • 400 MHz CPU (2nd Generation Intel or AMD)
  • 128 MB or RAM
  • 32 MB AGP Video
  • 16 Bit Sound Card

Films that are traded online using P2P software are usually between 700-800 MB. There are CD-R's available for burning these files that have 800 MB capacity. Lately other codec have hit the video compression scene. Xvid is an increasing popular codec. Because DVD writers are very cheap, the use for DivX isn't as great. However, it is useful for compressing video to send over the Internet. Some porn sites are now using the DivX codec. Also, high-end home DVD players will play DivX encoded files. Pretty Neat! The Divx Codec is now currently under further development by two groups; Project Mayo and 3ivx.

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