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Last Updated: 5/28/2011 5:43:13 PM
**All times are EST**
This article is about synapse...
Okay, so I review the search terms that people enter using the search feature of this site. I've seen the term "synapse" quite often. Chances are, you saw the movie antitrust, and was wondering if it is for real or not.
Skullbox.Net was registered in May of 2002. After contemplating several domain names, I remembered skullbox. In the film, they actually used "skullbocks.com" as thier company name. I have no idea how I was lucky enough to register the domain name nearly 2 years after the film. I'm guess that someone owned the domain before me, didn't do anything with it, and let it expire. However, I cannot confirm this. With that thoery in mind, MGM must have used skullbocks.com because it was an un-registered domain at the time the film was created.
In any case, I recommend this film to any "techie." It's a fairly entertaining movie, and the plot is ironically much like microsoft's situation. Synapse is a media delivery system, basically serving audio and video to PDAs, cell phones, etc. The Synapse service is created by NURV, a company who's CEO has a striking resemblance to Bill Gates...
When Milo (Ryan Phillippe) graduates from college and lands his dream job writing software at a multi-billion dollar computer company, he couldn't be more thrilled. The company's magnetic founder (Tim Robbins) that he worshiped as a child is now his personal mentor. As he settles into his new position, Milo uncovers some dark secrets about the firm and soon learns that he can't trust anyone but himself in the high stakes world of computer technology.
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