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Last Updated: 03/07/2011 7:22:08 PM
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Common Problems Associated with the GSG-5 and GSG-5SD
By Erik Rodriguez
Tags: GSG-5 malfunctions, GSG-5 FTF, GSG-5 loose screws, GSG barrel issues, GSG-5 errors
This article provides information about the problems I experienced with the GSG-5SD firearm. You may also want to see more information about the GSG-5.
Problems, Problems, Problems
Let me start by saying the GSG-5 cannot be compared to a reliable firearm such as the Glock or AR-15. I would never rely on this weapon in battle. After owning this gun for several months, I have fired an estimated 3000-4000 rounds through it. Below are the most common problems I have found with this weapon:
Loose screws:
This is a very common problem, and loose screws on the breach body can cause the bolt to crack. The main screw in the back holding the bolt in must also be tight. Failure to tighten the back screw will lead to feeding problems and light strikes on the primer. There are also two guide rods attached to the rear of the breach which have springs riding over them. These must remain tight as they will also cause feeding/primer malfunctions. All screws should be dressed with Loctite upon reassembly. See the images below:
Stripped screws:
The GSG comes from the factory with star tip screws. Over time these will start to wear and strip out. You can purchase a screw replacement kit which uses Allen heads instead of the star tips. They also include rear nuts for a tighter fit. Make sure you use Loctite.
Spring issues:
The bolt springs must be in good condition. By good condition I mean free from bends and must be properly aligned. It is also important to know these springs have a smaller side and larger side. They must be inserted in the correct orientation which is the smaller side of the spring toward the barrel.
This gun a little hard to break down and clean, but I have included some instructions for cleaning GSG-5. Most people suggest using CCI mini mags but I have also had much success with the Federal bulk pack and Super X bulk packs. See more information on CCI mini mag ammo getting stuck in the chamber. Personally, I would recommend these upgrades:
Screw upgrade kit (not necessary, but eventually the old ones with strip)
push pin set (makes tear downs much easier)
UMP folding stock (see my GSG-5 stock comparison)
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