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Last Updated: 03/07/2011 7:22:08 PM
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Easy Cleaning GSG-5

By Erik Rodriguez

Tags: GSG-5 cleaning methods, ways to clean GSG-5, GSG-5 easy cleaning

This article provides information about cleaning the GSG-5 rifle. You may also want to see more information about the GSG-5.

Cleaning the GSG-5

The GSG-5 is a great gun for plinking and because it is so cheap to shoot, I often shoot 200-500 rounds per range trip. That being said, after that many rounds have been fired, the gun gets pretty dirty. I clean all my firearms after every time I shoot them. However, the GSG-5 is not the easiest gun to break down. I a few different cleaning methods for this gun and here they are:

The Quick Clean

I use what I call a quick clean when I have only fired about 200 rounds through the gun and I don't feel that it warrants a complete breakdown of the gun. This is basically a good barrel cleaning, a quick rub of the bolt and surrounding areas to clean all the carbon. I use a nitro solvent on all dirty parts of the gun. I then oil all the metal on metal parts while checking the screws to make sure they are tight. I then follow with a quick function check. The entire process takes between 10 and 15 minutes.

The Heavy Clean

I do this about every 4 times I shoot the gun or every 1000 rounds or so. This process takes about an hour, but probably longer the first few times you do it. It is the same as the quick clean except several other steps are involved. A complete disassembly of the bolt and receiver will clean the gun to nearly new condition. A lot of carbon builds up inside the bolt and the receiver can get gunked up carbon and small metal pieces from bullets as they are fed into the chamber. Separating the two sides of the receiver allows you to wipe it out and apply a nice coat of oil so the bolt slides easier. Over time you will notice the bolt grinding a little as the lubrication wears down. Disassembling the bolt allows you to clean the carbon build up from all the nocks and crannies. It allows for inspection and cleaning of the firing pin. I usually take this time to apply more [blue] loctite to these screws and oil all the metal on metal parts. Try to keep the oil away from the screws you apply loctite to as it may counteract.

To date, I have never disassembled the lower receiver and never see a need to. It does not get dirty and the parts inside do not wear nearly as fast as the rest of the weapon.

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