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Last Updated: 10/03/2011 11:36:28 PM
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Server Tutorials

By Erik Rodriguez

Tags: Active Directory, Linux bash, Windows administration, Linux administration

The following sections provide information and links to server related content within this site. Free toturials and paid courses are offered.


The sections below list general, Linux and Windows tutorials. The length of each varies by topic and some include video demonstrations and/or commentary.


Effective Server Management - This article provides information on how to effectively manage several types of servers.
Mainframe Servers - This article goes through the basics of a mainframe server, including how they work and what they are used for.
Re-configuring a Server - This article provides the proper way to re-configure, migrate, or backup a server.
Using Non-local Colocation - This article provide information on operating servers in a remote data center


SSH: Secure Shell - This article describes the SSH protocol, how it is used, and how it should be configured.
Linux VNCserver - This article is a HOWTO for running VNCserver on Linux.
Manage Linux with Webmin - This article is a HOWTO on managing your Linux system with Webmin.
Linux Runlevels - This article provides a overview of the runlevels used by Linux and Unix operating systems.
Linux Shell Environment - This article provides a overview of the Linux shell environment.
Adding a Hard Drive in Linux - This article is a HOWTO for adding a new drive in Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux - This article provides information about Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


Active Directory Basics - This article is a plain and simple explanation of Microsoft Active Directory. What it is, and how it works.

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Juniper SRX anti-spam filtering config
Windows Server 2008 Clustering Configuration
Windows 2008 R2 Network Load Balancing (NLB)
Extreme Networks: Downloading new software image
Juniper SRX save config to USB drive
Juniper SRX logout sessions
Extreme Networks Syslog Configuration
Command line drive mapping
Neoscale vs. Decru
Data Security vs. Data Protection
Juniper SRX Cluster Configuration
HOWTO - Create VLAN on Extreme Switch
Using a Non-local Colocation Facility
Linux Server Administration
IT Chop Shops
Flow Viewers: SFLOW, NetFLOW, and JFLOW
Exchange 2007 Back Pressure
IPtables open port for specific IP
Politics in IT Departments
HOWTO - Block Dropbox
Cisco IOS Cheat Sheet
Subnet Cheat Sheet
Design a DMZ Network
How DNS works
Firewall Configuration
Juniper SSG Firewalls
Server Management
Configuring VLANs
Runlevels in Linux
Server Clustering
SONET Networks
The Red Hat Network
Server Colocation
Complicated Linux Servers
Dark Fiber
Data Center Network Design
Firewall Types
Colocation Bandwidth

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Contact Erik Rodriguez