This article provides information on how to effectively upgraded mySQL from version 5.0 to 5.1 on a Windows platform.
I'm not an expert with mySQL by any means. :oops: I use it primarly on Linux so I was a little confused about how to do an upgrade on a Windows server.
I browsed around google and the mySQL documentation, but was still not sure what to expect. I had version 5.0.x installed and needed to utilize a function in 5.1.x that wasn't present in previous versions. Here are the steps for upgrading:
Backup your databases!!!
Download the new package
Install the new package*
Restore your backup
Readd the users
Reset the user permissions
*The important thing to mention here is that SQL 5.1 WILL NOT install over the top of 5. It will create another directory and instance under C:/Program Files/MySQL. You cannot have the two running at the same time unless you change the port they listen on.
The first time I did this upgrade, nothing worked because the users are part of the SQL backup. The new instance of mySQL WILL replace the Windows service so you will not be able to start 5.0 automatically anymore. The workaround if you need it is to start the old version manually from the command line. To do so:
cd to:
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\
run this:
mysqld-nt.exe --defaults-file="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\my.ini"
So, if you have you documentation of your user credentials, you should be able to successfully complete the upgrade. The process makes this more of a migration to a new version than an upgrade, but following these steps should work just fine.