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Last Updated: 03/07/2011 7:22:08 PM
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Upgrade Options for GSG-5
By Erik Rodriguez
Tags: GSG-5 replacment options, upgrade kits for GSG-5, GSG-5 custom options
This article provides information about different upgrade options for the GSG-5. You may also want to see more information about the GSG-5.
Stock Upgrades
The GSG-5 comes with a variety of aftermarket stock options. The factory stock is modeled after the original MP5 full size stock. I wouldn't consider it high quality, but I do like the length. I opted for the retractable stock because it would cut down the storage size of the weapon and also looked a little bit cooler. I hated it. It was a little bit flimsy and it cut the overall length by over 2". It dramatically affected the way I operated the weapon and I only used that stock for a short time. My third and final attempt was the UMP-style folding stock. I inquired about this stock as someone was selling it on ebay and he told me it was the same length extended as the "stock" stock. I purchased one and have been more than happy with it. The grip against your shoulder is better and as such my length requirement and storage size requires were also met. I highly recommend this stock.
GSG-5 "SD" kit
The GSG-5 SD is basically the cosmetic upgrade to the standard GSG. It gives the weapon a larger hand guard and larger faux suppressor. Worth the $50 if you have the standard GSG. This is a GSG-5SD.
Push pin kit
The push pin upgrade replaces 2 or 3 double threaded screws need to remove the stock, receiver, and hand guard. They work great and are well worth the money if you shoot the weapon as frequently as I do.
HK sling/sling loop
There is nothing fancy about the HK sling. They are standard 2 position slings with spring loaded clamps. The clamps stay tight and do no wiggle off. However, the adjustment straps sometimes will come loose when there is no tension on them. Not a major deal, but not fun when you have to feed the sling material back through again.
SD model sling loop
The SD model requires a custom sling loop that fits between the hand guard and faux suppressor. It works well, but with the HK sling the clamps chew it up a little. It appears they were made using metal that was just too soft. A little pricey in my opinion, but it does work well. It only works on the SD model. The standard GSG-5 will have a loop for a sling near the cocking tube.
Screw upgrade kit
The screw upgrade kit works well to replace all the screws that will eventually strip out over time. I haven't found them to be much better than the standard screws. The function of the weapon neither improved nor got worse after switching them out. They are a little pricey considering they are just a set of screws and nuts.
Scope/sight options
I have tried many different scopes on this weapon. This includes everything from 4x range finder scopes, to cheap red dot scopes. I did not put my EO Tech holographic sight on the weapon because I figured why would I mount a sight that cost more than the weapon itself? Overall, I think the standard iron sites are great. They are adjustable using the flat head screw on the right side. Every GSG-5 comes with a set of different size front sights.
Speaking strictly optics, I ended up sticking with a Bushnell TRS-25. You may need a 1" riser for that scope if you plan on using it with the GSG-5. I makes the eye-relief even better because you won't need to hold the weapon up as much. This optic doesn't add much weight to the gun and increases its effective range. The only negative I have found about using an optic is that you cannot "co-witness" the iron sights through the optic like you can with most AR-15s. Seeing as I would never take a GSG-5 into combat, that was not a show stopper for me.
Laser/light add-ons
For a weapon that is basically a target shooting rifle, I never saw the need to add these options. I haven't tried any type of laser or light on this weapon. The main reason being that it's a very light weapon, and that is one of the things that make it so much fun to shoot. When you start adding accessories to the weapon, the weight really adds up quick. This ultimately requires more work to shoot the weapon and decreases the level of fun and accuracy. Remember, this is a .22 caliber weapon, not a 5.56 or 7.62.
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