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Last Updated: 04/05/2011 7:22:08 PM
**All times are EST**
Glock Slide Duracoat
By Erik Rodriguez
Tags: Glock Duracoat, Glock Slide Duracoat, Duracoating a Glock, Glock 21 Duracoat, Duracoat Process
This article provides information about the Duracoat process on a Glock slide.
I am not a gunsmith, expert, or anything close. I am sure there are a lot more people with more expertise than I, but what is posted here are my experiences with the weapons I own. I also have some content posted about the GSG-5, Glock 19 Gen4, and AR-15. I welcome all comments and please correct me if anything I have here is not accurate.
Durcoat is a special high heat paint that can be used to dress up your guns. I always liked the look of Will Smith's Glocks in Bad Boys 2. I wanted to paint the top of my slide but had no experience using an airbrush or Durcoat paint. The process requires mixing a few chemicals, and you really only get one shot to do it. Duracoat is removable, but from what I read, the process isn't easy. I spent a little while trying to find a local shop in Orlando, FL that could do it for me.
Golden Loki
I came across a forum where people had posted pictures and good reviews of a gunsmith who calls himself Golden Loki. The price was very reasonable, and I shipped out my slide and requested color code. I e-mailed Don (Golden Loki) and explained what I was looking for. He sent me a picture of two glock slides in the most popular stainless steel and titanium colors so I could see the difference. The whole process took about 2 weeks, with at least half of that being the shipping time.
Unfortunately, the cosmetics factor comes at the sacrifice of durability. Remember, at the end of the day Duracoat is still a paint which can chip or flake. If you do go the Duracoat route, I suggest using a fabric holster. Less than 10 draws from a Fobus hoslter put some noticable wear on the front of the slide. I also scratched the top of if while in a range bag with some loose magazines. One thing I did notice about the stainless color is how easily it will show carbon and dirt from your hands. However, it does clean up well. Click one the images below to see examples:
Glock Slide Duracoat in Stainless Steel Color
Glock Slide Duracoat Chipped
Glock Nose Chipping
Glock Breach/Slide Wear
Compensated Port Chipping
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